We started back to school last week and the whole week was a blur. Both of my girls are in school and the mornings can get hectic. Since my girls go to a private school – there is no breakfast program there and I always want to make sure that they leave the house with a nutritious, filling breakfast. Below are 10 of my go-to breakfast ideas for the morning time that my kids love.
- Jimmy Dean Breakfast Sandwiches – My girls love breakfast sandw
iches and Jimmy Dean’s sausage, egg and cheese is a huge hit. I cut the sandwich in half and each of my girls gets a half along with some fruit. In 2.5-3 minutes you have a nice nutritious breakfast.
- Cereal – The old faithful – a bowl of cereal. I have at least 2-3 options on hand (current favs include Honey Nut Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oats or Lucky Charms). My older daughter loves to have a banana cut up into the bowl with her cereal. My youngest just loves a side of fruit.
- Fruit – I always have fruit on hand either as a side to the breakfast or as breakfast itself. I keep bananas, grapes, apples, strawberries, blueberries, and mango on hand – not necessarily all at the same time – but at least 3 options to choose from that I also use for my lunches.
- Pancakes – I batch cook a bunch of pancakes on a Sunday and freeze a bagful of silver dollar sized pancakes to have on hand. I take a couple out and when the girls want pancakes one morning, 30 seconds in the microwave and breakfast is pretty much set.
- Waffles – My girls also love waffles. I buy a box of whole wheat eggo waffles and when they ask for waffles, I can pop 4 in the toaster and have breakfast on the table in no time.
- Scrambled Eggs – On mornings when I have time, I will make scrambled eggs for the girls and have fruit and sometimes bacon on the side. Scrambled eggs is not all that time consuming, but it does take a little extra time than the other options.
My youngest with scrambled eggs and banana slices - Oatmeal – This is typically a favorite in the winter time, but my girls both love it. I buy the Quaker Oats Organic Maple & Brown Sugar or the Variety pack that includes different fruit flavors (including peach and strawberry). Add hot water, mix and you have a delicious, hot breakfast that is a good source of protein.
- Cereal Bars – When in a huge rush for whatever reason if there is not time for breakfast, I give the girls cereal bars to munch on for the walk to school. Their love Nutri Grain and Natures Valley – it is not their first choice for breakfast, but when in a rush, I know they will have something nutritious to eat before school.
- English Muffins – I pair English muffins with a little butter and jam, or peanut butter and jam and my girls are in breakfast heaven. They love them and honestly I love them too.
- Bananas & Peanut Butter – My little one loves banana slices with peanut butter on top and my older daughter loves banana and peanut butter wrapped in a tortilla, sometimes with some chocolate chips for added deliciousness.
Those are my quick tips for a nutritious breakfast in the morning – whether you are in a rush or have time to spare. My kids love these options, and I do as well for some of my breakfasts in the morning. It is important to me that my daughters get a good meal in the morning so that they are energized and ready for the day and don’t lose focus because of hunger.
What are your go-to breakfast ideas? Leave some ideas in the comments!
Love the bananas and PB personally, but the kiddos prefer the scrambled eggs! Great post. Thanks!
Thank you so much!