Family, Lifestyle, Planning, Working Mommy

15 Ways To Be Your Most Productive Self

Do you ever have days that just seem to vanish without a trace and you have barely accomplished anything on your to-do list? Yep. Me too and it’s a horrible feeling to be defeated by a clock and a list of things to get done that is a mile long. It’s hard to be productive and stay motivated when we are overwhelmed by so many distractions and how much we need to accomplish.

We wear so many hats and hold ourselves to standards that are practically impossible to reach. We want to be present for our kids, be good wives, succeed at work AND have an immaculate house. It’s exhausting just thinking about it. I’m a wife & mom, I work full-time as a therapist to children and adolescents, and I run this blog. Before I implemented these tips I am going to share with you, I was running on empty and a shell of a person. I was working over 50 hours a week at my job – leading me to not want to be so productive when I got home. Some aspect of my life was being neglected whether it was the laundry, the cleaning, dinners, or my self-care.

I work towards being my most productive self to try and foster a life I can be proud of. I made changes to things that weren’t working and started holding myself accountable. With a few simple tweaks, you can sky rocket your productivity too – whether it be at home, work or both. Check out my tips on being your most productive self, below.

Stop Trying To Be Perfect

There is no such thing! This is the quickest way to undermine your own potential. It is something that is unattainable and therefore makes you feel like you’re not good enough. Be okay with getting it done rather than getting it done perfectly. It saves you time and a headache.

Stop Trying To Do All Of The Things

I think as moms we are all guilty of this. Swim lessons, soccer, karate, classroom mom, girl scouts, AND president of the PTA – NO! Know your limits and stay focused on the priorities. Over-extending yourself leads you to easily feeling burnt out and resentful. Instead, stick to a select few things that you know you can commit to and do your best at being involved in.

Use a Planner

A week in my planner – before the pen

Whether it be electronic or paper, having some way to keep track of all of the to-dos, and events you have going on is essential. I use a paper planner, the

17 thoughts on “15 Ways To Be Your Most Productive Self”

  1. I fully endorse the use of a planner! Without one I would be clueless and living my life off sticky notes, a hope and prayer!

    Great post! 😀

    – Nyxie

  2. I love how real the first two tips are, but only 3 of the 15 are showing up for me! such a bummer =[ I’ll have to try and load the page again, maybe from my work laptop. I can’t wait to see the rest!

  3. Yes to using a planner! I swear by it and my little black journal with all of my blogging tips and tricks. I never leave the house without them. You never know when you’re going to be inspired! Thanks for sharing your tips!


  4. Use a planner ! Is it weird that I by these and still don’t use them? It’s like I’m buying it with the intention to use it and don’t but I want to because I know that it will help me keep things in check! I’m going to attempt to use mine lol thnx for the reminder

  5. Love this!!! It’s so important to practice balance and recognize that we don’t have to do it ALL and all at once. I love categorizing my tasks and making sure I incorporate self-care. Thank you so much for this share!
    Xx, Morgs*

    1. Balance is difficult but definitely attainable. Self-care is so important – how can we take care of others if we are running on empty? Thanks so much for stopping by!

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