September has completely taken me by storm and I haven't consistently posted in a while. Time to get back on the game. So here is another On The Menu Monday for this coming week! Monday I am not even gonna lie. Mama needs some assistance on Mondays because they are brutal. My husband works -… Continue reading On the Menu Monday 9/18/17-9/24/17
Category: Working Mommy
Information of juggling the balance of home and work life, time management, improving productivity.
Helping Kids Remember Their Homework
Homework season is back upon us and in a lot of homes it is a big issue. Almost every school requires homework on a daily (or at least 4x a week) basis. Homework is a way of students to practice what they learned during the day and it does count for a part of the… Continue reading Helping Kids Remember Their Homework
Bullying Is An Epidemic In Our Schools The school year is around the corner for us, but for many it has already started. When I first started working with school-aged children I immediately noticed a horrifying trend - the overwhelming amount of kids reporting being bullied or harassed in school. It is heartbreaking to hear… Continue reading Bullying
On The Menu Monday 8/14/17-8/20/17
I can't believe we are already in mid-August - my daughter starts first grade in 2 weeks - it feels like the summer is flying by! This week is kind of busy with soccer practices, a soccer game, dentist appointments and late nights at work. Here is my meal plan for the week: Monday Crock Pot… Continue reading On The Menu Monday 8/14/17-8/20/17
On the Menu Monday 8/7/17-8/13/17
I hope everyone is having a good Monday! I've basically been in bed all day with a horrible migraine, but am starting to feel a little better and wanted to share my meal plan for the week. My Weekly Menu Plan Monday - Today is supposed to be my late day but I called off of work… Continue reading On the Menu Monday 8/7/17-8/13/17
Recap of July & New Goals for August
Well I don't know how everyone else feels, but July flew by for me. In fact, this whole summer just seems to be flying. It's already August 6th! I wanted to give a recap of how I did with my goals for July and discuss my goals for August. I had 4 goals for July:… Continue reading Recap of July & New Goals for August