Family, Lifestyle, Mental Health

Quarantine 2020: Over 75 Ideas To Stay Busy

This past month in quarantine has been an absolute whirlwind. It’s hard to come up with words to describe how to feel about everything going on in the world and here at home. We are starting the fourth week of the kids being out of school and staying in the house. I have been working from home since the 23rd. We have not gone out of the house except to stock up or replace essentials.

I can’t express enough gratitude for all of the essential workers working in times like this -the grocery clerks, the postal workers, doctors, nurses, police, mental health professionals etc. They are putting their lives at risks to ensure our needs are met and to keep us safe while we get to stay home and quarantine.

I am also thankful for my children’s teachers and all teachers who have been working tirelessly in this transition to ensure that the kids continue to receive and education.

During this uncertain time I am trying to think as positively as I can and use the opportunity of being home to spend a lot of quality time with my family (meaning my kids and husband). I am also trying to keep busy and get some things done around the house now that we have nothing but time. I came up with 75 ideas to keep you busy and productive during quarantine because I know we are all going a little stir crazy.


Clean/Organize Your Space

1. Redecorate a room

2. Fold and put away laundry

3. Organize the closets

4. Clean out your fridge

5. Clean out a junk drawer

6. Go through cabinets & toss expired items

7. Go through old clothes & donate

8. Rearrange your furniture

9. Clean out your makeup


11. Clean your whole house

12. Wash & clean out your cars

13. Declutter

14. Replace old pictures with new ones in the house

15. Clean your curtains

16. Wash the windows

Do Something Fun

17. Play online games (We’ve been loving the UNO app)

18. Shop online

19. Plan your dream vacation

20. Have a dance party

21. Have a coloring contest

22. Play a board game

Get Outside

23. Go for a walk (while keeping social distance)

24 Clean out/ wash your cars

25. Have a picnic in your backyard

26. Eat al fresco

27. Work in the garden

28. Power wash the house/sidewalks

29. Go stargazing

30. Make smores

Get Organized

31. Meal plan

32. Organize your computer files

33. Create a schedule

34. Delete unneeded photos in your phone

35. Plan out your week

36. Make an emergency kit

37. Do a social media purge

Learn Something New

38. Sign up for an online course

39. Learn a new language

40. Research ways of investing your money

41. Take a virtual tour of an aquarium, museum or zoo

42. Do a puzzle or brain teaser

43. Watch a TED talk

Connect With Others

44. Skype/Facetime/Zoom friends & family

45. Make cards for family members to send

46. Watch Inspiring YouTube videos

47. Play with your pets

48. Groom the dog

Self Care

50. Exercise

51. Meditate

52. Journal

53. Give yourself mani-pedi

54. Practice self-care

55. Try a new makeup or hair look

56. Put on a face mask

Be Creative

57. Try a new craft

58. Take up a hobby

59. Draw

60. Paint

61. Do a diamond kit painting

62. Start a bullet journal

63. Look up new recipes

64. Search Pinterest

65. Read

66. Take pictures

Be Money Minded

67. Redo your resume

68. Sell your things

69. Make a budget

70. Track your spending

71. Start a money saving challenge

72. Start a side hustle

73. Create 1, 3, and 5 year plans

74. Start a blog


75. Take a nap

76. Try Yoga

77. Catch up on shows/Netflix

78. Bake something

Let me know in the comments what you have been doing to stay busy during quarantine and how YOU are all doing. It’s so important to be there for each other, and I want to hear from you. How are YOU doing? So much of this is out of our control, so let’s focus on what we can control. I hope some of these ideas help. Stay safe & healthy everyone! Xo

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