In The Kitchen

Recipe Review – The 3-2-1 Cake

I recently tried a recipe I found on Pinterest called the 3-2-1 Cake. I have been trying to cut down on the sweets and really watch what I am eating, but I am a chocolate loving kind of girl. I thought I would give this recipe a try for when I have a sweet craving and just need something chocolate-y. It is super easy to make and there are only 3 ingredients. The directions are as follows:
  1. Mix Angel Food cake mix and your choice flavor cake mix (I used devils’ food cake mix).

2. Put both in zip lock bag and mix well (You use only a little bit at a time so a Ziploc bag keeps the rest of the mix fresh).

3. When ready for dessert, take 3 tablespoons cake mix.

4. Put it in microwavable small ramekin, bowl or mug.

5. Mix in 2 tablespoons water; mix well.

6. Microwave on high, 1 minute.

7. Cool and top with whipped cream or icing of your choice or just eat it plain. (I put cool whip and fresh strawberries with mine.


It literally takes 1 minute to make – and it comes out moist, spongey, chocolatey and delicious. The cake is enough to satisfy that sweet tooth craving. I even made my hubby try it and he liked it – and he is hard to please when it comes to sweet treats. I have so much mix leftover that we can make this several times and it is so low in calories you don’t have to feel guilty about it. This recipe definitely gets 2 thumbs up! Let me know if you have tried it in the comments!


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